October 12, 2016 – “Safer, More Effective Polymer Prevention with ACtify® Technology”, a technical presentation was delivered at the Clariant Styrene Seminar 2016 in Xi’an, China. The presentation delivered an update of the Dorf Ketal activator technology that is improving yields in styrene monomer plants and setting a new standard for polymer control.  The paper included commercial data from four styrene plants including data demonstrating the excellent performance of ACtify®, a non-toxic, low-nitrogen retarder.

October 11, 2016 – Dorf Ketal presents at the Opportunity Crude Conference in Houston a new desalter chemistry to help refiners improve refining margins. Dorf Ketal has invented a new class of desalter chemistry called “reactive adjunct chemistry” that offers step change improvements in desalting efficiency and amine removal.



For refiners that are desalting limited in selection of economically advantaged crudes or who are considering capital investment to expand desalting capacity, this new technology offers a low cost way of expanding desalting capacity and reducing risk of overhead corrosion problems caused by the presence of tramp amines.

Join us at the Opportunity Crude Conference to learn more or visit us here.

August 24, 2016 - When it comes to the social responsibility of the company, the Dorf Ketal Group is dedicated to catering for the well being of the underprivileged group of the society. Its aim is to transform lives of needy people by facilitating them to unfold their hidden potentials.

Click here to read the article on Dorf Ketal CSR activities, which appeared on SPO INDIA magazine, June 2016 issue.