July 17, 2019 – The readiness of a desalter is critical to a refinery’s operating flexibility and is a fundamental question of refinery competitiveness. Is your desalter ready for opportunity crudes?” is addressed in a new video produced jointly by Dorf Ketal and OpportunityCrudes.com. The video provides valuable information in assessing short-term economic gain versus potential long-term risk, including:

  • New technologies for improving desalter readiness without capital investment
  • Engineering, laboratory, and field trial components involved in assessing and improving desalter readiness for opportunity crudes
  • Best practices for managing current desalter operation

The 30 minute video serves a wide audience including managers responsible for refinery competitiveness, crude unit engineers, corrosion engineers, crude buyers, and those responsible for environmental compliance. 

We invite you to download it at Desalter Readiness.