Dorf Ketal manufactures specialty chemicals to stringent, consistent quality, health, safety, security and environmental (QHSSE) standards in every country in which it operates. Globally, we believe in meeting or exceeding the QHSSE regulations, both explicit and implied, by our governmental and regulatory partners.

We are committed to safe working conditions, injury prevention and ensuring that our operations do not adversely impact the communities in which we work.

In addition, Dorf Ketal relies upon a robust integrated management system (IMS) that conforms to the highest industry requirements. We adhere to the European Commission’s REACH and United States’ TSCA requirements, along with other country and region standards worldwide.

Dorf Ketal’s integrated QHSSE management system includes research and development, manufacturing and supply chain activities for all of the firm’s specialty chemicals and catalysts through the complete product life cycle.

Download a copy of our QHSSE policy statement and ISO certifications from the resource box to the right. 

EHS Compliance Reports

SEIAA Environmental Clearance - PRODUCT 3,5 XYLENOL -February 16, 2018

SEIAA Environmental Clearance - PRODUCT 3,5 XYLENOL -August 29 2022

Half Yearly EC Compliance

Environmental Statement 2019-2020

Responsible Care®

Dorf Ketal meets the Responsible Care requirements regarding health, safety, security and environmental as set by the International Council of Chemical Associations on a global basis. Responsible Care is an international health, safety, security and environmental performance improvement initiative of the chemical industry and it is based on the concepts of continual improvement and openness in responding to the concerns of the stakeholders about the industry’s operations and products.

Dorf Ketal’s North American operations were initially certified in 2008 to the Responsible Care Management system® as controlled by the American Chemistry Council. Dorf Ketal’s manufacturing operations were audited and approved as meeting Responsible Care requirements as defined by the Indian Chemical Council in 2014. Dorf Ketal’s QHSSE policy includes Responsible Care requirements and applies to all Dorf Ketal global operations.

Read about Dorf Ketal's Product Stewardship guidelines